Landscape Architect 3D


Landscaping is becoming increasingly relevant in international practice in the formation of green infrastructure. It allows arranging post-industrial territories, created recreational spaces and routes, residential areas and changing the meaning of the objects of architecture from the standpoint of the formation of urban ecosystems.

Landscape architecture in the general sense is an art for the spatial organization of any territory. Although the emphasis is on the use of natural materials (green spaces, ponds, terrain features), it is inextricably linked with the combination of buildings, structures and other architectural components in a single composition along with landscape elements.

Landscape architect

When working on any project, a landscape architect emphasizes aesthetics and the artistic integrity of the design of the territory.

However, it also pursues the requirements of ergonomics and convenience, takes into account the characteristics of the growth of flowers, trees, and shrubs, the needs of visitors to the complex.

For many centuries, the Chinese people have created a kind of architecture that is of great importance for the development of the architecture of the peoples of Asia and the Far East.

One of the brightest pages is the landscape gardening architecture, which is an original branch of the global landscape gardening art and has had a significant impact on the development of European gardens and parks in the mid-18th century – England, France, and other countries.

Parks in China were an indispensable accessory of palaces, monasteries, temples, imperial burials, as well as residential buildings of a privileged part of the population.

The largest architectural complexes, as a rule, included parks with the corresponding landscape gardening structures. Traditions in the creation of parks dating back to centuries, extensive experience in this direction and the skill of gardeners and architects essentially ensured the high development of landscape gardening art in China.

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A variety of architectural and artistic techniques in creating gardens and parks, both large public and small at residential houses, testify to the great love of the Chinese people for landscape gardening art and the outstanding talent of nameless gardeners in some cases.

The emergence of gardens in China dates back to ancient times. From literary sources, it is known that even in the first century AD, Chinese masters created magnificent gardens.

So, in the ancient city of Luoyang, a huge park was created, characterized by a wide variety of compositional solutions.

The builder of the park Yuan Guang Han introduced into the park system, along with the corresponding architectural structures, a stone landscape with artificial rocks, grottoes, caves, and freestanding stones.

Who is Landscape Architect 3D?

The profession of landscape architect has a creative character, to which it is always appropriate to add a certain amount of rationalization. Such a specialist is essentially a skilled artist, able to keep various factors in mind and find the solution that is optimal for each of them.

This is especially important in large cities with dense built-up areas, where sometimes there are catastrophically lacking green spaces and a well-thought-out layout of space.

The difference between the profession of a landscape designer and landscape architect is about the same as that between the architect who designs buildings and the interior designer.

An architect can make an interior design if necessary, it’s just not his main task, but an interior designer is unlikely to be able to design a house. The same is in the field of landscape.

A landscape architect is a versatile specialist. He thinks, first of all, the concept of the future garden: zoning, idea, style.

The relative position of the objects on the site should be not only beautiful but also convenient, as well as meet construction and safety standards. To create an interesting concept, you need to have not only good taste but also a certain set of knowledge.

Secondly, the task of a landscape architect is to design engineering structures and communications, such as drainage and storm systems, irrigation and lighting systems, design retaining walls, ponds, pools, gazebos, etc.

And, thirdly, the landscape architect thinks out the vegetative content of the site.

What a landscape designer does is clear from its name – he comes up with a design.

Landscape architect skills

A landscape architect must be “4 in 1”: architect, engineer, dendrologist and designer.

Planning and designing the site, taking into account the location of all elements: buildings and other building structures, green spaces, lawn cover, decorative elements (arbors, artificial ponds, sculptures, fountains, etc.), lighting devices.

Planning the engineering aspect of future land improvement (we are talking about utilities, storm sewers, water supply systems to fountains, etc.).

Planning the biological aspect of the future improvement of the territory (taking into account what kind of soil each plant needs, is it able to survive the winter in the open territory, which plants cannot be planted next to each other, how to arrange the plantings correctly).

Planning the cultural and artistic aspects of future land improvement. Here the customer’s requirements and his idea of ​​the general concept of space design are of great importance. If restoration of any complex is carried out, historical documents must also be taken into account.

Author’s support for the implementation of the project, quality control of the work performed.
Landscape Architect needs to be well-versed in modern construction technologies and landscape materials.

If earlier all the work – both sketches and drawing – was done manually, then now everything happens on the computer. Therefore, to work successfully, one needs to know Autocad, Archicad, Revit, 3Ds Max, Sketch-Up, Photoshop, etc.

3D visualization, which was a curiosity 10 years ago, is rapidly replacing any other way of presenting sketches.

This applies not only to the landscape but also to architecture, interior, design. Now you see the “future” as close as possible to what it will be. All errors, shortcomings, and inaccuracies, as well as simply matching customer tastes, will pop up at the visualization stage.

The drawing (engineering) part of the project is necessarily carried out using special computer programs. This is not only more accurate but also much faster.

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