Sometimes the characters we met affect us so much that we unwittingly start repeating them. In addition, in the entire history of the dramaturgy of 3D design characters, so many have multiplied that, perforce, they had to group them into the so-called. “archetypes”.

It seems that they are different, but at the same time somewhat similar to each other: say, “mad scientist”, “brave knight”, “detective” … Immediately there are a huge number of different characters that are united by the name of the archetype.
Archetypes are an excellent soil for the character, rammed with many other people’s attempts, feelings and experiences.

There are a great many archetypes, and they are not always based on art – there are archetypes of relations (“friend”, “beloved”, “son”), archetypes of places (“England”, “school”, “mountains”), archetypes of events (“war” ”,“ meeting ”), natural phenomena (“ storm ”,“ fog ”) and so on.

You can create anything!
The best thing about archetypes is that when you create a unique image based on an archetype, you seem to “connect” to the feelings of other people:

They don’t know your character yet, but they have seen such archetypes and have some kind of emotional experience, which in any case causes some kind of reaction.

Simply put, the viewer is not yet familiar with the character, but already understands what to expect from him. The conversation has not yet begun, and the viewer is ready to answer you.

This is a difficult topic for many professionals, requiring a lot of concentration. Again, as with character development, you also need to understand for yourself how your world works, whether there are a lot of conventions in it, what place the character occupies in it.

The fact is that a 3D design character without a scene is felt as if in a void, it is much more difficult to believe in its reality.

If a viewer has a clear picture of the world, the character gains a “home”, the ground under his feet, and everything falls into place.

And again, do not talk about the world more than is required in order to reveal the character. At the same time, the world should feel even more real than the character himself:

having noticed some kind of discrepancy, the viewer will at best switch his attention from the character to the detail, and at worst, he can stop “believing” in the character, and his confidence in any conflicts and internal dramas will not be able to return.

After all, as mentioned earlier, art is a deception, and when a deceiver is caught in a lie, they no longer believe him.

The story of the character must be in suspense. The fact is that it is precisely tension, discomfort, struggle and fear that are, for the most part, the engines of history.

This is what can be called the “true motivation” of the character. If the character is doing well, then we are not interested.

We need conflicts, skirmishes, fights, events – anything that makes you worry about the character.
Of course, moments of tension and the way to achieve them is a matter of the genre.

These can be quarrels in melodrama, battles in an action movie, suspense in a thriller. In this case, you need to maintain momentum:

As on a roller coaster, there must be moments of “recovery” (when the character is successful), recession (when things get worse and worse) and a level road to relax (when the situation is stable).

You can alternate them as you like, moreover, you can give out one after another.
Since the character is closely connected with the story, and the story with the character, we can conclude that both the 3D design character and the story are dynamic.

They evolve and change. You always need to give room for the character to grow and the story to continue.

3D design character order
Custom 3D design character orders are usually limited in case of imagination, but require no less creativity than the rest. Customers have special needs, but they want us to design as we see it appropriate.

Where will the character design be shown and in what environment? This has a direct impact on what 3D design he will have. For example, if a character is created for a phone game, then it makes no sense to create it with a lot of intricate details.

Despite the different formats: “… the process of creating a concept always starts the same way: paper, pencil, many miniatures, notes of ideas, sketch by sketch.

3D design character creation

To describe the character, just draw it in certain lines. For example, soft and rounded lines indicate that your character is kind and soft. Sharp lines, on the contrary, indicate that the character is complex and unstable.
By exaggerating the character’s features, it’s possible to help the viewer determine the nature and basic qualities of the character. Exaggeration is the basis in cartoons (caricatures), it emphasizes certain personality traits. If the character is strong, then drawing just muscular arms is not enough, draw them 5 times more than they should be!

Color also helps to understand the character’s personality. As a rule, dark colors are used to portray villains. Light colors such as white, blue, pink and yellow express innocence, kindness and purity. In the comics, red, yellow and blue can give the character design heroic qualities.

Props and clothes also help to emphasize the disposition of the character. For example, sloppy clothes can be suitable for a poor character, and a lot of diamonds and trinkets – for tasteless rich people.

Depending on what you want from the character, it iscommon to see him from all sides and angles. In this case, it will be more useful to use 3D, in the same sphere it will be easier for you to navigate in more detailed forms of the character, his weight and height, and other characteristics.

Personality is also a key feature; there is not always a need to create a good design. The character’s personality can be represented in comics or animations, where we can see how he reacts to certain situations.

The personality of the character should not be very cute, it should be interesting. A character’s personality can also be expressed in how it was drawn.

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