Industrial 3D model


Almost every item that is in our home, in a car or on the street, is an example of one or another type of industrial 3D model.

The industrial design includes high-tech and household products, vehicles and interior items. The main task of the designer is to create a functional product focused on mass production. Multi-series is the hallmark of industrial design compared to other sections of the design.

The industrial model is divided into two groups.

Group “A” refers to the engineering and machine tools. This group of industrial 3D models is the most high-tech and technically sophisticated. Designers require a high level of professionalism.

Group B includes commodities that make a person’s life more comfortable – household appliances, furniture, toys, work tools, equipment, etc.

Industrial design is closely associated with 3D modeling, which simplified the work of creating concepts and prototypes. Product visualization helps one look at an industrial product in advance, and a prototype reveals its shortcomings.

All products of industrial design are subject to a number of technical requirements, including: product ergonomics, high performance, economy, environmental safety, and manufacturability.

The development of industrial design is inextricably linked with scientific and technological progress. Therefore, products should be developed taking into account the latest achievements in the field of development of both new equipment and technologies.

Industrial design of engineering devices

This type of industrial design includes devices used in construction, research, scientific research, etc. Engineering devices should help people at all stages of project implementation – from planning to operation.

Most devices are highly specialized, only experienced professionals can handle them. Depending on the specification, the following types can be distinguished:

  • geodetic instruments (theodolite, level, kipregel);
  • geological (carbonate meter, densitometer, georadar);
  • hydrometeorological (aneroid barometer, psychrometer, solarimeter);
  • environmental (electric aspirator, dosimeter, gas analyzers);
  • archaeological instruments (magnetometer and gradiometer), etc.

Product design for medical equipment and technology

Recently, our agency Klona received a request for 3D-modeling of a fitness bracelet (for measuring overall health indicators). It is easy to use and in line with the trends of modern industrial design for medical devices. His concept is already in our portfolio.

Medical equipment is being developed to ensure the comfortable conduct of medical, preventive and diagnostic measures, etc. Equipment helps to optimize labor-intensive processes, and medical equipment – to perform medical and nursing procedures.
At the same time, medical devices such as a blood pressure monitor, tachometer and inhaler are household appliances.

Vehicle design

A great influence on the development of industrial vehicle design is exerted by pressure from environmentalists. This affects the choice of materials and shapes when creating vehicles. The industrial design of transport is developing, which has a minimal negative impact on the environment (for example, bicycles). By the way, in the Netherlands, using a 3D printer, a bicycle frame was printed – such a vehicle can withstand heavy loads, and the design is characterized by increased strength.

3D rendering walkthrough

Recently, the industrial 3D model of cars is closely linked to the development of electric motors. This affects both the internal structure of the car and its appearance. In addition, changes in the use of energy lead to a rethinking of the attitude towards vehicles. Industrial designers should also consider this.

Product design of household appliances and appliances

In addition to performing the intended purpose, household appliances should be aesthetically attractive. There are several areas in the industrial design of household appliances:

  1. Measuring instruments

Designers develop devices for determining different measures (time, weight), meteorological indicators (temperature, pressure), etc. Even in everyday life, users require devices to have high accuracy indicators, which complicates the process of creating a device.

  1. Computer Engineering

It is one of the fastest-growing areas in industrial design. This category includes calculators, tablets, smartphones, computers, and laptops. The main requirement of consumers is the high performance of the device. For example, the new ASUS ROG GX700 laptop has an innovative liquid cooling system that delivers record-breaking performance.

  1. Kitchen appliances

There are several categories of kitchen appliances for their intended purpose:

  • preservation of food properties of products (refrigerator);
  • mechanical processing (blender);
  • heat treatment (waffle iron, deep fryer)
  • preparation of drinks (juicer).
  1. Electronics
    This direction includes entertainment (player), office (printer) and communication (TV) equipment.
  2. Other areas
    A large direction in industrial design is formed by clothing care products (washing machines), home (vacuum cleaner), appearance (hairdryer) and climate control (heater). Together they form a significant group of devices for mass production. The high degree of differentiation of devices of the same functionality for different target groups plays a significant role here.
    The directions for creating smart household robots are actively developing: cleaning the house and pools, washing windows, agricultural purposes (shearing, weeding, harvesting).

Interior and exterior elements

The design of interior industrial 3D model should provide high ergonomics for office and home furniture. Design solutions must also be energy efficient. Since interior items surround a person most of the time, industrial designers should choose materials that are safe for humans.

Product manufacturing can be greatly simplified with 3D printing. This allows for creating products quickly and efficiently. So, with the development of 3D printing with the help of levitation, it will be possible to speed up printing several times, which will bring multi-part production to a new level.

Industrial 3D models are designed to make our life easier and better. They should also be beautiful and elegant. Probably the most common example of a product for industrial design is the famous Kikkoman sauce bottle by Kenji Ekuan. Such objects are striking in their simplicity, they are functional and look aesthetically pleasing.

To be able to find this “golden mean” between functionality, beauty, and convenience is the property of ingenious industrial designers.

The industrial design of gadgets for sleep

The direct connection between sleep and well-being creates a demand for gadgets designed to improve the quality of relaxation. And although this area of ​​human existence has not yet been fully explored by scientists, developers continue to generate ideas and create new devices. Today, there are three main areas in which companies operate:


headsets, masks, dressings;

external multifunction devices.


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